深圳保艺国际拍卖有限公司深圳保艺国际拍卖有限公司简称保艺国际,注册资本50???00万,是一家集艺术品拍卖、鉴定、评估、展览、交易等服务为一体的大型艺术品综合服务公司。本公司专注艺术品拍卖、艺术品交易、艺术品展览销售、艺术品寄售、艺术品电子商务、艺术品置换、艺术品鉴定评估、高端客户资源共享,艺术品商业推广、*威专家鉴赏讲座、艺术品广告包装、近现代艺术家包装推广、国内行业大型展览活动策划。本公司秉承公平、公正、公开的原则,以诚信、守信、共赢为本。以繁荣中国艺术品市场,弘扬中华民族文化为使命,旨在提高中国艺术品在世界上的地位和影响贡献自己的一份力量。保艺国际凭借政府部门的扶持及广大客户的首肯,立足深圳、面向全国、放眼世界的战略目标。基于广大藏友及国内外众多艺术品从业机构,提供专业、优质、便捷的专业服务,致力于艺术品的流通环节,致力于打造一个真正为客户服务,为卖家和买家构建一个健康、良性、高效的流通平台。真正实现建立在国际艺术精品来源有序旳基础上,开创民间艺术品交易全球化之先河的宏伟梦想。经营范围:瓷器、玉石翡翠、字画、古籍善本、紫砂、钱币、邮票、珠宝首饰、竹本牙雕、青铜器、古家具、杂件、红色收藏品等各类古代、近现代艺术品。Shenzhen Bao Yi International Auction Co., Ltd. is called Bao Yi International Limited, with a registered capital of 50 million. It is a large art comprehensive service company integrating art auction, appraisal, exhibition, transaction and other services.The company focus on art auction, art trade, art exhibition, art art sales consignment, electronic commerce, art exchange, art appraisal assessment, high-end customer resource sharing, business promotion, art experts lectures, art appreciation, modern artists advertising package packaging promotion, domestic industry exhibition planning activities. The company adheres to the principle of fair, fair and open, with good faith, trustworthiness and win-win. In order to flourish the Chinese art market and carry forward the Chinese nation's culture, we aim to improve the status and influence of Chinese art in the world and contribute to our strength.Paul art international with the support of government departments and the approval of customers, strategic objectives based in Shenzhen, facing the country, have the whole world in view. The vast number of friends at home and abroad and many art institutions based on providing professional, high-quality, convenient and professional services, is committed to the circulation of art, to create a real customer service for sellers and buyers to build a healthy and efficient Liu Tongping taiwan. The real realization is built on the basis of the orderly international art source, and creates the grand dream of the globalization of the folk art trade.Business scope: porcelain, jade jade, calligraphy, ancient books, Yixing, coins, stamps, jewelry, ivory carving, ancient bronzes, bamboo furniture, sundries, red collection and other types of ancient and modern art.+微信:cje1527494225+电话:15274909603+微信号:cje1527494225 电话:15573112044